Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Evolutions Resolutions

Hello! A big welcome to From Low To High.
I've been in this world for 20 years now, and have been been bombarded with media images of how I need to look and why since birth. Just as you have. Just as everyone has. Especially as females, we are told we need to look a certain way to get the things that we want such as boys and jobs. Here enters self esteem... how you feel when you look at yourself. How you compare to the status quo.
When you have battled with your weight all your life, you have definitely battled with your self esteem as well. In the end, your self esteem all comes down to you and how you choose to feel about yourself.

I've lost so many battles with weight loss and self esteem, but I believe I'm finally ready to win the war. I am a 5'4'' female who weighs 244.4 pounds. My measurements are 44, 41, 51. My BMI is 41.9. I am obese. I am coming to terms with this. I've tried to hide these facts for years, but that has got me nowhere. I'd say my self esteem is on the healthy side (healthier than the rest of my body) but I know that I don't feel OR look as good as I could. I've known that for years. Everytime I look in the mirror, I can pinpoint something about myself that I'd like to change. I know I'm not the only one suffering from all of this. Which is why I'm sharing all of this, finally. I want to change, I want to lose weight, I want to be healthy, I want to LOVE what I see in the mirror, and I know I am not the only one.
This will be my journey. I hope it may encourage you to start your own. When you realize that your battle isn't just a numbers game anymore, you know you have what it takes to fulfill your dreams.

Current weight: 244.4
Weekly weight loss goal: 2 pounds
End goal: 145 and healthy